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The Saga of the Pine Needle Baskets

baskets pine needle

The Saga of the Pine Needle Baskets

Of all the things I worried about with this deal, this never crossed my mind. And then after I got over my initial shock, it hit me: I have 600 baskets to sell! --A story from six years ago and an update!

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20th Anniversary Exhibit & Sale in Berkeley on December 14th

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Quality Matters

artesania buying artesania handmade

Quality Matters

Over our twenty year history (yes, 20!) we've had to struggle a bit with quality control. The artisans we continue to buy from year after year do a very good job. Sometimes we receive pieces that aren't up to our standards, and we usually let the producers know so they'll be more careful in the future. Occasionally we decide not to buy again from an artisan when he or she appears to be uninterested in improving the quality of their product. We strive to get the best quality because customer satisfaction is very important to us.

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Sometimes people wonder— why Michoacán? How come you keep going to that part of Mexico to buy artesanía and don’t branch out to other states, e.g. Oaxaca or Chiapas? My answer for the last 20 years has been— because there is SO much beautiful art created there and folks still need to learn about it. I also tell people that Michoacán is the most artistic place in the world. I say it because I truly believe it, and now there is some real evidence that what I’m saying is true.

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News from Michoacán

candelabras Herlinda Purepecha Santa Fe la Laguna sin plomo

News from Michoacán

Greetings from Mexico! I want to tell you some good news and share an experience I had yesterday. You might remember me asking for your help in 2021 when I learned that one of our artisan friends, Herlinda Morales was diagnosed with breast cancer. A crowdfunding campaign was created to help pay her medical expenses and I am so grateful to those of you who were able to help. I will always remember Herlinda recounting her struggle to assert herself, to learn more and to create and sell her art-- while going against her traditional Purepecha father and husband. And...

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